Overcome the negative impact due to the growth of uncontrolled vehicles, it is not enough just to rely on the government's role. Vehicle manufacturers (ATPM) both of cars or motorcycles, had a moral obligation to participate mengurainya. Surely with the right steps to keep producers must produce as many vehicles but more controlled environment pollution and fuel consumption more efficient.
While the government's duty is to unravel congestion more aggressively to build road infrastructure. Thus increasing volume of vehicles each year is balance with the available width of the road. After all, for now, it's not fair to have to press the government to issue regulations limiting the age of the car. Because there are still many Indonesian people who have not felt a personal car.
Focused on the moral duty vehicle manufacturer in an effort to unravel this problem, exactly what steps they should do? By not closing my eyes, it must be admitted to this vehicle manufacturers have developed such a great technology. Call it tech hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel to the fuel cell. But unfortunately, first-class technology is still very expensive. In developed countries have not been booming especially in developing countries like Indonesia.
Perhaps only hybrid cars near reality for sale in Indonesia, namely the Toyota Prius. Although just only few people will be able to buy a very expensive Prius. If only the government introduced incentives for hybrid cars unconditionally, may be another story.
This fact, that modern technology has created a vehicle manufacturer has not met the economic elements that hindered its spread. So, if wise, if the manufacturer of the vehicle just stop there? Surely not. Because there are many other ways that are very likely to be created. Of course, more economical and provide benefits not least with the technology currently available, such as hybrid cars or hydrogen.
HHO Booster
Around the middle of last year, with various Indonesia dihebohkan discovery applications for water fuel car. Starting from the discovery of Nganjuk Joko Suprapto who claim to be able to change sea water into Premium. And there were two discoveries in Yogyakarta, namely Fuel Archipelago by BWK Adjikusumo and patented Banyu Geni Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY). Although, further, they are not able to prove the result alias bullshit.
The next scene, the development of water electrolysis equipment (electrolyser) to produce brown gas or HHO (2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen). We have enough development tools electrolyser many kinds and trade. There electrolyser made Joko Sutrisno (Yogyakarta), Martin Hendry (Jakarta) and electrolyser manufacturing theory was written in a book called Brown Energy, Water Fuel Secret Poempida work Hidayatullah and F. Mustari.
Electrolysis of water (electrolyser) itself has started to study since the 19th century or rather earlier in 1884. By an electric discharge process in the direction (DC) to the wire loops that have a particular design. Coil of wire immersed in pure water in a closed tube. When electricity flows, arising magnet wire and produces HHO gas is flammable properties and has a ton of energy.
Further, HHO gas generated in the electrolyser is inserted into the cylinder in addition to the combustion gases or booster. So that the resulting combustion energy of a much larger engine without the booster than HHO. Which should be recognized that the HHO gas is not as a substitute for gasoline or diesel. Cost to make electrolyser unit is also very cheap. On the market, this tool sold bervariatif between USD 100 thousand to USD 500 thousand.
The results of the test vehicle had to apply HHO booster is also quite promising. Include fuel consumption (gasoline / diesel) to be more efficient, low emissions, smooth engine, the engine cleaner and more powerful engines. Editors Motor Plus never tested Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTSi is already installed HHO boosters, 1 liter of gasoline results through 266 km. Wow, amazing isn't it?
Other test data as presented in Brown's book Energy at the Toyota Avanza is translucent 1:18,07 km (std 1:13) or 39.03% savings occur. Then the Mitsubishi L300 happened savings of 93.98% which is a 1:12 km 1:23,27 km.
Electrolyser by ATPM Version
Current gas-producing equipment HHO electrolyser lots sold. Of course, with a variety of designs and benefits. But they claim the average instrument capable of saving between 30 to 100%. Seeing this reality, I was thinking why not equip the vehicle manufacturer with a booster electrolyser products?
The reason was simple, if domestic producers could produce the electrolyser equipment to function properly, then the car manufacturer / motor must can produce a much better. Cause manufacturers are supported by experts that more numerous and varied.
Now let us try to calculate the savings if all new cars and motorcycles are sold years ago (2008) has been equipped booster water electrolysis. Let's say the device could save 30%, do not need to 100%.
Fuel consumption for new cars as many as 607,805 units in 2008 are as follows. To simplify the calculation, we assume Premium fuel (USD 4500) with an average consumption of 1:12 km and the average mileage per day 50 km. This means that every car needs Premium 4.167 liters per day or total 2,532,723.4 liters (Rp 11,397,255,300). In one year (365 days) needs to be 924,444,041 liters of gasoline or, if cashed to Rp 4,159,998,184,500.
Meanwhile, fuel consumption for new motorcycle in 2008 as many as 6.215 million is as follows. Premium fuel (USD 4500), average consumption and 1:30 km mileage per day 50 km. This means every motor needs Premium 1.67 liters per day or a total of 10,379,050 liters (Rp 46,705,725,000). Within a year the need for motor gasoline to be about 3,788,353,250 liters or redeemable Rp 17,047,589,625,000.
Now let us count the amount of savings if the tide booster electrolisa water. The assumption had been able to save equipment 30%. For new cars going savings Rp 4,159,998,184,500 x 30% = Rp 1,247,999,455,350. While the new motor going savings of Rp 17,047,589,625,000 x 30% = Rp 5,114,276,887,500.
Total savings for new cars and new motors to Rp 1,247,999,455,350 + Rp Rp 5,114,276,887,500 = 5,239,076,833,050 (more than USD 5.2 trillion). These savings assuming for new vehicles produced in 2008. What if next year all new vehicles have been installed electrolyser?
In conclusion, there is no excuse for not trying to ATPM for researching booster electrolyser for additional features in their new products.
Original Article : www.otomotifnet.com
Original Author : Agus ‘Zoelis’ Triyono
Translated by : Habibie_u2
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